Sunday 5 October 2008

the photographer

taking pictures underwater is not an easy skill. i've been doing it for 12 years now but still i don't think i'm good at it, even if my underwater digital slr camera is a very nice piece of equipment. but there are guys who just know much better than me how to use it. one of them came for a visit to take pictures of the new hotel & dive shop. his name is gerald nowak and he's a professional photo journalist. his portfolio includes all the big german dive magazines including 'tauchen', 'unterwasser', 'aquanaut' and 'atlantis'. he did just two dives on our house reef in less than optimal conditions, but the results are quite impressive.

the diver in the photo is rudi robisch, the bavarian manager of the other orca dive club in hamata. together, they found some nice objects like this small school of batfish.

gerald and rudi even found some big fish like this malabar cod which is great news to us and the new dive shop.

finally gerald found these two - at 6 o'clock in the morning. that's why we look a bit tired. thanks, gerald, for the pictures. we really enjoyed your company.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Herr Marcus Lorenz,

Mein Name ist Marvin Fuchs, ich habe leider keine E-mail Adresse (impressum) gefunden, worüber ich ihnen schreiben konnte...
Reiner Dorn aus Königsfeld war mein Tutor und hat mir die URL ihrer Webseite gegeben.

Ich bin gerade in Perth und werde in der nächsten Woche in Richtung Broome aufbrechen mit einem Campervan. Ich und meine Freundin möchten unbedingt mit Walhaien tauchen oder schnorcheln gehen ...

Bieten Sie soetwas in Exmouth an oder können sie uns vielleicht einen Tipp geben mit welcher Firma es am besten oder "backpackergerechtesten" wäre :) ?

Ich hoffe ich habe sie nicht zu lange belästigt und freue mich auf ihre Antwort.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Marvin Fuchs